


CLIMATE JUSTICE takes a look at four groundbreaking cases – from Portugal’s “Youth 4 Climate Justice”, France’s “L’affaire du siècle”, the Netherlands’ “Urgenda” and Switzerland’s “Senior Women for Climate Protection Association” – by citizens who have come together to take legal action against their governments. This project tells the immersive story of a historic mobilisation that brings renewed hope for the future of the planet.



Using a direct cinema approach, CLIMATE JUSTICE follows four intertwined stories, with the main thread of the narrative being the struggle of the young Portuguese members of “Youth 4 Climate Justice”, following their hearings before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg. 



Faced with global warming and government inaction, more and more citizens are coming together in the fight to save the environment. Will justice and governments be up to this rendez-vous with history?


CLIMATE JUSTICE is available as a webseries of four 15-minute episodes and as a 52-minute documentary.


Directed by Zouhair Chebbale
Writers: Zouhair Chebbale & Léa Ducré
Image: Victor Ferreira Neves, Elizaveta Luzina, Loïc Mahé, Clair Pijman, Cécile Quiroz & Hervé Roesch
Sound: Pedro Anacleto, Pedro Balazeiro, Sander den Broeder, Vivien Roche & Jérémie Vernerey
Editors: Daniéla Naphaivong, Gwenaël Giard Barberin & Thibault Louis
Original soundtrack: Tristan Lepagney


A co-production SEPPIA – SERENA Productions – ARTE France
With the participation of RTP – Rádio e Televisão de Portugal